Sap Gui For Java Mac Os X

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Sap Gui For Java Mac Os X
Following article describes on how to install SAP GUI 7.3 Java for a macOS (10.12) system in two easy steps.

MORE HERE: NOTICE: If your MacOs version is Sierra, please download SAPGUI 7.5. The SAPGUI 7.30 wont work in that MacOs ver. I have some clients starting migrating to MacOSX for daily office use, and they need the Sapgui, and off course they want to print on their local printers. I had them installed the latest Sapgui for java (rel. 7.20 at this time) but they couldn’t print on local printers with the classic LOCL/LPT1 sap device. Installing SAP GUI on Mac OS X: Note: This document was written based on the Mac OS X 10.8.4 - Mountain Lion operating system running Java SE 7 – Update 25. Step by step on how to setup SAP GUI for Java for Mac OS using Expert Mode. Download SAP GUI for Java to your Mac and create a new connection by formatting the connection string as shown in the article. In the Expert Mode you can even add additional parameters like username and client changing the connection string. SAP GUI (SAP Log on) 7.30 for JAVA is the newest version that Macintosh users can download and install it to their computers. The installation of GUI for Java for MAC users is limited to 64-bit systems due to the requirements for Oracle JDK 7 on Mac OS X.

Note Before You Start decide between SAP GUI 7.3 or 7.4 Java
If you have numerous systems listed in a typical saplogon.ini file you usually want to leverage this to import such settings into your SAP GUI 7.3 Java. Similarly as in Windows installations, you would point to the saplogon.ini file in the SAP GUI preferences (in Windows under »Options > SAP Logon > configurations«) as illustrated below. Since the saplogin.ini file comprises the system access data it will thus automatically set the correct SAP system connections.
You even might insert a file link to a server where the most current version of the saplogon.ini file resides. This comes in handy if system access data like IP addresses change frequently and are updated to reflect the most recent changes. If your technical department gives you a file link that points to a server, it is highly recommended to use it in lieu of a file on your local machine.
With the new version SAP GUI 7.4 Java this changed, in that a file link is not supported anymore.
Unfortunately, to run SAP GUI 7.3 Java you will need to install the legacy Java 6 kit.
Recommendation: Should you plan to use a saplogon.ini file use 7.3 not 7.4.
  • SAP GUI 7.3 for Java installation file.
  • Legacy Java 6 kit installation.
  • The Java conversion program SapGuiIniToSapcConverter.jar

Sap Gui Java Mac Os X Download

Step 1: Conversion of saplogon.ini from Windows to macOS
Sap gui 7.40 java for mac os xFor
In an SAP environment you typically face the behemoth Windows installations, at least from a file size perspective. Thus the saplogon.ini file is targeted towards Windows OS. In order to use it on macOS it needs conversion. Luckily, there is a conversion program out there that is doing this for you. An excerpt from the corresponding thread authored by Mike Schernbeck ( is pasted below:
To keep things short: I implemented a small tool, that is able to convert a saplogon.ini file in a way, that the information stored in it can be used by a SAPGUI for Java environments. It is implemented in Java. Here the link to JAR file: SapGuiIniToSapcConverter.jar. The tool can be used on Windows or Linux platforms, thanks to Java. Here is how to use it: Open your favorite command line (terminal on Linux / UNIX environments or command prompt in Windows environments) and type in the following command:
java -jar [complete path to SapGuiIniToSapcConverter.jar] [path to source saplogon.ini file] [path to target connections file]
Step 2: Point to saplogon.ini file
Sap Gui For Java Mac Os X
In the SAP GUI 7.3 Java preferences go to Logon and insert the file path to the saplogon.ini file in the configuration file.

Apple geek, analytics and AI fanatic, notorious project manager getting on your nerve with a smile.

September 30, 2010

Dasar kudzi, nyuruh – nyuruh orang ngeblog, dia sendiri ga update blognya.. hehhee… yaudah dehh, mumpung masih panas di kepala, saya mau share nih tentang instalasi SAP GUI di Mac OS X.

Mengapa koq mau install SAP GUI di Mac ?? ya karena saya membutuhkannya buat workshop Modul PRA MySAP di kantor, dan karena laptopku berbasiskan Max OS X yang tentunya berbeda dengan Windows OS, tentunya berbeda.. hihihi…

Usut punya usut dengan teman, ternyata gampang.. hehehehe.., berikut langkah – langkah yang harus dilakukan :

a. Download file (atau cari) PlatinGUI-MacOSX-7.20rev2.jar disini download
b. Klik deh file .jar yang diatas tadi.. tunggu sampe selesai instalasi sama si Mac OS X -nya sendiri.
c. Kalo udah selesai, klik aplikasinya di Applications -> SAP Clients -> SAPGui 7.10rev2 -> SAPGui 7.10rev2

Berikut skrinsutnya kalo udah diklik :

Nah habis ini kita harus menset koneksi.. biar bisa terhubung dengan server mysap..

d. pilih dulu Menu Connections, setelah itu klik pada gambar kertas yang ada di menu icon diatasnya, setelah itu akan keluar jendela baru seperti gambar dibawah :

e. Pada jendela tersebut isikan description, misalnya saya masukkan description Conn MySAP, abaikan connection type karena kita akan memakai type R/3.

f. Setelah itu klik tab advanced, pada tab tersebut centang expert mode.

g. Selanjutnya pada kotak Expert Mode masukkan settingan sebagai berikut :


ctt : xx.xx.xx.xx ganti dengan IP Server MySAP anda, hehehe.. berhubung karena bersifat confidential terpaksa saya kasi tanda ‘x’ 😀 okeeey…

Sap Gui For Java Connection

h. Selanjutnya klik Save.

Git Gui Mac Os

i. Kemudian kita akan kembali ke SAPGUI Front yang awal, terlihat pada menu Connections terdapat settingan koneksi yang telah kita buat tadi.. tinggal klik saja yang baru kita buat.. selanjutnya silahkan login dengan user dan pass masing2.. hehhehe..

Sap Gui For Java 7.30 On Mac Os X Download

Kalo sudah berhasil kita akan terkoneksi dengan jaringan mySAP, seperti pada gambar dibawah :

Kalo belum berhasil juga berarti anda belum beruntung.. soalnya saya sudah bisa.. hehehe…

Kesimpulannnya kalo mau install SAPGUI di OS yang bukan Windows OS, maka kita bisa memakai SAP GUI for Java Environment, berlaku juga buat yang memakai Linux OS Based seperti Ubuntu..

Selamat mencoba..